The background information on the developments of former Electrical Engineering (EE) and present Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) programs are as follows.
Start and Early Needs for New Directions in Engineering Education
Starting from the earliest historical backgrounds, it can be said that in 46 years the Electrical Engineering (EE) programs of study of Institute of Technology (AAiT), AAU has grown and expanded from basic power and electronics engineering into five streams:
- Electronic Communication Engineering
- Power Engineering
- Industrial Control Engineering
- Computer Engineering
- Microelectronics Engineering
Earliest EE Programs
The growth trends and pace in introducing streams of study (or focus areas) have been moving steadily but rather gradually in line with progresses in staff development at senior and junior levels, as well as with the acquisitions of laboratory facilities in the AAiT, all mostly built with generous contributions of donor countries like Israel (Faculty leadership from the technion in the 1960s) and Germany (new Faculty Building with laboratory facilities since 1969).