General Information
Addis Ababa University was established in 1950 and soon after the Ministry of Education founded the Faculty of Technology, formerly known as the college of Engineering in Addis Ababa in 1953 which is currently called Addis Ababa Institute of Technology (AAiT) since 2010. Graduate programs at MSc level began in the late 1970s, nearly 35 years ago primarily under the department of Civil Engineering. The PhD program in AAiT began in 2007/08 academic year.
Currently, AAiT has nearly 12,000 students of whom 3651 (regular/2824, extension/827) are postgraduate in 27 programs in five main schools namely; School of Civil and Environmental Engineering (SCEE), School of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering (SMIE), School of Electrical and Computer Engineering (SECE), School of Chemical and Bio-Engineering (SCBE); and Multi-Disciplinary School; which has Bio-medical engineering and Energy Center. The PhD program in AAiT began in 2007/08 academic year and currently there are eleven (13) PhD programs.
MSc Programs
As stated in article 63.6 of Senate legislation, admission to graduate programs shall be based on academic results and merits required by the academic units for the program. Accordingly; Applicants should have first degree in the program title or related programs
Applicants should have the required minimum cumulative grade point by the School (academic unit)
Short listed applicants should pass entrance exam
PhD Programs
Applicants should have MSc degree of a very good or above performance in the area of specialization
Should present relevant research concept note and get an advisor and accepted by the Chair
Industry Funded Programs
Ethiopian Road Authority (ERA) is funding four masters programs (Construction Technology and Management, Structure, Geotechnical Engineering, and Hydraulic Engineering) in the School of Civil Environmental Engineering since 2010/11 academic year Ethiopian Railway Corporation (ERC) is funding three masters programs in Railway Engineering (Civil/Electrical/Mechanical)