School of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
- The College of Engineering, then called Imperial College of Engineering under the Ministry of Education, was established in 1953 as a two-year course of pre-engineering education, and graduates were subsequently sent abroad for further training. Two years later, a four-year program was introduced in Civil and Industrial Engineering, and BSc degrees were first awarded by His Imperial Majesty Haile Sellassie I in July 1958.
- In 1959, the College was expanded to include instructions in Mechanical and Electrical Engineering in lieu of Industrial Engineering and the undergraduate program was extended to cover five years. The first mechanical engineers graduated from the then University College of Addis Ababa in 1963.
- In late 1970s, the decade when the change from Haile Sellassie I University to Addis Ababa University took place, the programs of study in engineering were cut down to four years for a few years. It was later restored to the original five year program.
- The current School of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering prepared the graduate program based on the needs of the industrial sector and higher learning institutions. The MSc program was started in the Academic year 1998/1999 in three areas of specialization, namely, Thermal Engineering, Mechanical Design and Industrial Engineering. The School also launched PhD programs in three areas of specialization, namely, Thermal Engineering, Mechanical Design and Industrial Engineering in 2008